Users participate in Activity

How can users participate in any activity?

When you launch the UpSwap app, you’ll find a home screen with a clear distinction between deals and activities. Navigate to the ‘Activity’ section by selecting the corresponding option typically found at the top of the home screen. Once in the ‘Activity’ section, you’ll encounter a variety of activities curated based on proximity to your location.

Upon selecting a specific activity, you’ll transition to a detailed activity screen that provides comprehensive information such as date, time, location, and any special requirements. To express your interest in participating, look for the ‘I am interested’ button on this screen.

By clicking the ‘I am interested’ button, you initiate a request to join the activity, signaling your intention to the activity creator. This streamlined process ensures seamless communication between users and activity organizers. For additional inquiries or coordination, the app offers a chat support feature, facilitating direct communication.

This user-friendly approach empowers you to explore and engage in various local activities effortlessly. After expressing interest and communicating with the activity creator through chat support, you’re all set to attend and enjoy the chosen activity, fostering community connections through UpSwap.

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