Paddington Treasury (Paddington Bear) by Michael Bond ハードカバー \rMichael Bond 著\rPeggy Fortnum 絵\rHoughton Mifflin Company 1999\r\rエリザベス女王とも共演したパディントン\r\rA delightful collection of the best-loved tales featuring the beloved bear from Darkest Peru, Paddington, features newly colored versions of the classic illustrations marking Paddington's fortieth anniversary and introducing him to a new generation of young readers.\r\rThis is a classic treasury. It starts of at the very beginning where Mr and Mrs Brown meet him for the very first time at the railway station and how he is named Paddington. He has impeccable manners but without fail finds himself in the stickiest, funniest situations. It's a classic story with good values and simple basics of life. I think Paddington bear is a must have for all ages!(レビューより)\r\rコレクターズアイテム\r未使用ですが家庭保存の為「未使用に近い」で出品いたします。売り上げの50%を能登地震に寄付いたします。\r\r#イングランド\r#児童書\r#本\r#BOOK\r#思い出本屋\r#思い出本屋洋書\r#思い出本屋絵本\r#思い出本屋イギリス \r#思い出本屋西洋文化\r#思い出本屋子ども\r#思い出本屋英語\r#思い出本屋エンタメ\r#思い出本屋コレクション\r#思い出本屋動物